the LifeStyle

In addition to supplying truly affordable housing, residents will benefit from the project’s 360* approach to improving quality of life.


Residents can share amenities such as common area spaces, vacation rentals, travel, and more … and possibly the most valuable shared resource of all – companionship.

… use of alternative fuel, inexpensive cars; bicycles + helmets; common area spaces like kitchen, dining and living rooms, home gym, home office, laundry, and possible guest rooms
… expenses such as shared utilities, services, food, and other purchases
… experiences such as cultural and social activities, including

Intergenerational Mentoring

Residents will benefit from the synergy of exchanging their experiences, skills, and wisdom with the educated and technology savvy generation of today’s youth. Support in computer skills,
healthcare.  Interior design, downsizing and organizational skills, and many more. Also, and equally important, our  suitePEAS seniors will be encouraged to give freely of their time, their wisdom, and their experience, to the youth in our towns and communities.

Further opportunities for cross generational mentoring might allow students from local universities and colleges to do ‘practicums’ in – healthcare; architecture; interior design for small but creative spaces; environment; business; social services; horticulture; technology; and arts (music, dance, drama etc.)

Project: Intergenerational Mentoring

VIEW the .PDF Document


Residents will have the opportunity to be further trained, and be able to earn extra income, if desired or required, by using their skills and talents. One such possible program designed by suitePEAS is the novel Rent-a-Nana program, offering after school supervision for young families in the local community. Other potential programs include healthcare support, food services, and more the 360 micro economy allows, especially for those among the 25 residents within a suitePEAS cluster of FIVE houses who are on fixed or lower incomes, to follow (or become trained) in a skill, talent, or competency to earn extra income. Eg. One or two of the women residents can manage a greenhouse on one of the properties that will supply fresh produce to each resident weekly (for a small fee). Similarly a florist, hairdresser, seamstress, baker, cook, cleaner, yoga instructor, bookkeeper can all generate a small income by working part time from their suites/home, offering services and product, predominantly to their colleagues.

Catering to the 55+ lifestyle

“What a great idea. Living in community with like-minded women!”