Projects & Events

Engaging local communities with projects & events!

suiteLiving360 has been engaged in various innovative projects throughout the years – all regarding important issues to seniors, especially older women. Thank you the New Horizons for Seniors Program for your continued support.

Project 3: Buddy Chat

Buddy Chat is a card game developed by SuiteLiving360 to mitigate social isolation and loneliness among seniors by promoting social interaction and meaningful relationships. The game consists of simple questions and provides a warm and safe environment for individuals to get to know each other better. Similar activities and programs can help prevent social isolation and loneliness.

Project 2: suitePEAS Intergenerational Mentoring

"Somehow we have to get older people back close to growing children if we are to restore a sense of community, a knowledge of the past, and a sense of the future."

A reciprocal opportunity for younger people - mainly students - and seniors, to mentor each other. The synergy between the two groups fosters a natural and positive expectation and outcome. We should be encouraging any and all opportunities for seniors to mentor younger people and for younger people to mentor seniors.

Project 1: Elder Abuse

New ways to look at mitigating elder abuse

Catering to the 55+ lifestyle

“What a great idea. Living in community with like-minded women!”